Recently, Sue and I were highlighted in the blog of the 2023 One of a Kind Show and Sale Chicago. There will be 500 artisan vendors at this show, so this was a huge honor! Here is the section of the post about us--
"We spoke with four artists and makers that will be exhibiting at the One of a Kind Holiday Show who grew up being inspired, guided and supported in their artistic endeavors by their loved ones because creating runs in their families.
Sisters Susie and Wendy create essential winter pieces made from previously worn wool and cashmere sweaters. They focus on texture, color, design, fine craftsmanship, and the spirit of redemption and sustainability in every item.
What led you to become makers?
Wendy: My sister and I grew up in an artist's home, there is an inner drive in both of us to create that was imbedded in us since we were children. Our mother repurposed before it was cool. So, when Sue and I needed to provide income for our growing families, the idea of creating gorgeous mittens from old sweaters just made sense to us.
What do you hope to convey through your work?
Wendy: We hope to convey that we believe in redemption. We believe that no one and no thing is unworthy of salvation. We want others to see why the expert craftsmanship of our products makes a difference and is worth the effort. We want to convey that LucyBlue Knits takes our creations very seriously, and yet find joy and delight in all we do.
Why is sustainability important to you?
Wendy: Growing up in our home was a constant example of creating beauty and living sustainably. We always had a garden, our mother painted murals on our bedroom walls, and our vacations were wilderness canoe trips in the North woods. When we came upon an opportunity to create an item that had low-cost raw materials, we jumped. That is the beauty of LucyBlue--we make something lovely out of nothing."
(Click on this link for the whole post.
If you are considering going to a Holiday Market this year, don't miss this one! You will want to plan on spending several hours there, as there are hundreds of very talented artisans, artists and gourmet chefs. And definitely stop by our booth. (#10038) We are bringing our very best inventory and can't wait to have it on display!
Click here for all the details about this marvelous market--